Thursday, April 12, 2012

My Life and Times

My Life and Times
In response to the flap over Ann Romney and Hilary Rosen's comments... she hasn't worked a day in her life. What Hilary said was true. Even though Ann does not "feel" rich she hasn't had to deal with the hard economic reality of middle class and working class people. Neither has Mitt! I'm a hard working mother too. I raised my children by myself. The Romney's are a pure 1% family. They don't have a clue about how hard it is to make it in America. I have no problem with Mitt Romney and his family. They were born wealthy and that's fine. Don'try to con me and tell me you know what it's like to be like me. Mitt never had to worry anything.

There is no "war on moms." There is no legislation in over 40 states to limit access to minivans, lunch with the girls and after school soccer. But there is a concerted effort to limit access to contraceptive health care. There is a concerted effort to bring the government and conservatives into the examination room with me and my doctor to tell me to just "look away" if I find it intrusive to have pictures shoved in my face or a probe shoved up my "you know what." This is my rant... My two cents.