Thursday, April 12, 2012

My Life and Times

My Life and Times
In response to the flap over Ann Romney and Hilary Rosen's comments... she hasn't worked a day in her life. What Hilary said was true. Even though Ann does not "feel" rich she hasn't had to deal with the hard economic reality of middle class and working class people. Neither has Mitt! I'm a hard working mother too. I raised my children by myself. The Romney's are a pure 1% family. They don't have a clue about how hard it is to make it in America. I have no problem with Mitt Romney and his family. They were born wealthy and that's fine. Don'try to con me and tell me you know what it's like to be like me. Mitt never had to worry anything.

There is no "war on moms." There is no legislation in over 40 states to limit access to minivans, lunch with the girls and after school soccer. But there is a concerted effort to limit access to contraceptive health care. There is a concerted effort to bring the government and conservatives into the examination room with me and my doctor to tell me to just "look away" if I find it intrusive to have pictures shoved in my face or a probe shoved up my "you know what." This is my rant... My two cents.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

I must share my thoughts on the Trayvon Martin shooting. I've been following the news in print and on TV for a couple of weeks. I first read about the shooting on my computer. Alone in my living room. I cried. I cried for Trayvon. I cried for his family. I cried for us.

I couldn't believe that we are in 2012 with a Black president, and this s.... is still going on. But I do believe it. Because I know I still live in America... the shinning light on the hill with the dark under belly of racism. My heart ached for Trayvon and his family. I was heart broken. He was just a baby. To me he looked like an angel.

From the beginning, the story the police told did not seem right. It never does. How can you not question someone who just shot and killed someone else? How can you not take the gun away? How can you not take the bloody clothes? How can you not detain at least overnight an admitted killer? Even if he said it was self-defense, he admitted to killing Trayvon. What is going on?

I have a 22 year old son. I've lived with fear in my heart for years every time he goes out with friends. Besides the normal fears of parents that your child will get hurt or not come home. I worry about him getting stopped for no reason other than being Black. He has been pulled over by the police. You worry that he will assert his rights and become offended at being accused of something without probable cause and give the police a reason to get rough or beat them. We do still live in America. It's not unreasonable to imagine these things happening. I think about Trayvon and I know he could have been my son.

Besides the sadness, this makes me extremely angry. I think America doesn't have any idea of how incredibly angry we are. They let that boy lie in the morgue for three days without notifying his family. They let the family anguish over where their son was and if he was safe for THREE DAYS! He died 70 yards from home. He could see his back door. I'm tired of our society devaluing our sons. Every man on this planet has a mother. Every mother's son is an incredible gift. A joy to behold. A Blessing.

I am so proud of the way the community has stood up to protest this injustice. I guess this was the "straw." We have had enough. I'm proud of every one who has joined this fight. This is a fight. We have to stand for what is right and what is just. This is neither. If we want change, we have to be the change we want to see. Support the organizations that fight and advocate for us. Support the radio and TV hosts that take up this fight. Participate! And most importantly VOTE! Vote like you life depended on it... it does.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

I have to admit I registered for this site before Goggle bought it. I didn't do a damn thing with it until tonight. I think I'm going to like using this blog as a journal. It's therapy. As I said, I got laid off today, but I'm not sad... I'm glad and a little scared. But, I really believe I'll be alright. So look for the chronicle of my job search and life journey.
Today I start living again...

I was just notified that I will be laid off effective March 20th. Instead of panic, I feel liberated. I was beginning to hate my job. No not beginning... I've hated my job for a long time. What I really hated was not feeling that I was contributing any longer. That my performance was sub par. It really bothered me. I was with a company that was acquired by another company about three years ago... things haven't been the same since. Only twice in the past three years have I felt that I was really doing a good job and really making a difference and earning my keep. The cultures of the two companies never merged. It's been a mess. After a while the money is not enough. You have to have a reason to want to get up in the morning and put in a full day's work.

So... here I am trying to figure out what a want to do when I grow up. I'm 57 years old so I need to make up my mind. I plan to take some time (not much) and really think about what I want to do, what I have to offer, and what type of business or work opportunity will be best for me. I'm excited about the possibilities even in this very scary economic environment.

I'll let you know how I'm doing.